The area of operation of the Association shall be the entire Union of India.
The Office of the Association will be in the city of Mumbai at such address as may be fixed by the Managing Committee from time to time.
The official year of the Association for the purpose of accounts shall commence on the 1st day of April and end on the 31st day of March of each Christian Calendar year.
Sr. No. | Annual Sales (Net of Excise Duty & Sales Tax) | Entrance Fee (One Time) | Subscription Amount | Max No. of Members to be nominated |
1 | Above Rs. 2 Crores, up to Rs. 15 Crores | Rs. 7500.00 | Rs. 15,000.00 Per Year | 1 Member |
2 | Above Rs. 15 Crores, up to Rs. 30 Crores | Rs. 10,000.00 | Rs. 20,000.00 Per Year | 1 Member |
Sr. No. | Annual Sales (Net of Excise Duty & Sales Tax) | Entrance Fee (One Time) | Subscription Amount | Max No. of Members to be nominated |
1 | Above Rs. 5 Crores, up to Rs. 30 Crores | Rs. 15,000.00 | Rs. 25,000.00 Per Year | 1 Member |
2 | Above Rs. 30 Crores, up to Rs. 50 Crores | Rs. 25,000.00 | Rs. 50,000.00 Per Year | 1 Member |
3 | Above Rs. 50 Crores, up to Rs. 100 Crores | Rs. 45,000.00 | Rs. 90,000.00 Per Year | 2 Members |
4 | Above Rs. 100 Crores, up to Rs. 200 Crores | Rs. 62,500.00 | Rs. 1,25,000.00 Per Year | 2 Members |
5 | Above Rs. 200 Crores. | Rs. 75,000.00 | Rs. 1,50,000.00 Per Year | 2 Members |
Please note:
1. Associate membership will have all benefits except voting rights and
cannot be the member of the managing committee.
2. If the member does not pay the annual fee for a year and wishes to again
resume membership, entrance fee will be payable again.
A member of the Association is liable to be expelled in the following circumstances
In any case he shall be given an opportunity by the Managing Committee to explain his conduct and if after an enquiry by the Managing Committee he is found guilty, then upon a resolution being so passed by the General Body, he shall be removed from the Membership Register. Pending decision of the General Body on any such reference by the Managing Committee, the Committee shall have power to suspend a member from exercising his rights and privileges.
Each member shall communicate from time to time to the Hon. Secretary the address to which notices to him may be sent and all notices sent to such address will be considered as duly delivered.
The Committee so elected shall hold office for a period of 2 years or till another Committee has been duly elected by the General Body.
Any amendments to the name and objects of the Association, if required / found necessary or obligatory will be made in accordance with the provisions of Section 12 of the Societies Registration Act, 1860.
The accounts of the Association shall be audited every year by Auditors appointed by the General Body at the Annual General Meeting. The auditors' report together with the remarks if any of the Managing Committee thereon shall be placed before the next Annual General Meeting.
Any vacancy in the office of Auditors occurring during the year will be filled in by the Managing Committee
Every officer for the time being of the Association shall be indemnified out of the funds of the Association against all losses and expenses incurred in the discharge of his duties except such as shall, happen through his own willful negligence or default and each one shall be chargeable only for such money as he shall himself actually receive in the discharge of the business of the Association and each one shall be answerable only for his own acts, negligence or defaults and not for those of any other person nor for the insufficiency of any security or other money payable to the Association nor for any loss or damage which may happen in the discharge of his duties unless, the same shall happen through his own willful neglect or default.
At any time, if it is found that the affairs of the Association cannot be carried on either because it.has survived its usefulness or because sufficient support is not forthcoming or for any other reason, the Managing Committee may by a majority of two-thirds of its members, recommend the winding up of the Association at its General Meeting specifically called for that purpose. The Association shall not be wound up save by a clear majority of two- thirds of its members present and voting at the Special General Meeting. The Association shall be wound up whether forthwith or within such time, then agreed upon as prescribed u/s 13 c the Societies Registration Act, 1860. Should it be decided to wind up as aforesai its property shall not be paid to or distributed among, its members but shall V. given' -to »S0tf!flfri othe,r Association having similar objects or to any charitab Association to be determined by the votes bf n®t"less than two-thirds of tliyre,sent at a meeting called for that purpose.
These Rules shall come into force and operation with effect from that date of t General Meeting at which they are considered and passed.