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Optimization of friction welding parameters for joining medium carbon steel plates with rods (unsymmetrical components) using response surface methodology

  • Posted on: 7th August, 2024

Advances the rotary friction welding the joining of unsymmetrical components such as plate with rod.

An attempt was made to develop an empirical relationship to predict the tensile strength of friction welded AISI–4340 grade medium carbon steel plate and AISI–4150 grade medium carbon steel rod, incorporating the process parameters such as rotation speed, friction pressure, forging pressure, friction time, forging time, which have great influence on strength of the joints.

Response surface methodology was applied to optimize the friction welding parameter to attain maximum tensile strength of the joint.

The maximum tensile strength of 690 MPa and maximum hardness about 252 Hv could be obtained for the joints fabricated under the welding conditions of rotation speed 1200 rpm, friction pressure of 26 MPa, forging pressure 26 MPa, friction time 7 seconds and forging time 7 seconds.

This article is shared by T. Dhamothara Kannan, P. Sivaraj and V. Balasubramanian

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